Behind The Scenes

The 'Alien' on the Set

Bolaji Badejo - the Actor
who plays the Alien

Carlo Rambaldi - the creator
of the Alien Head Mechanism

Actor John Hurt being prepared for
the 'Chestbursting' Scene

Scriptwriter Dan O'Bannon with
Concept Artist & Designer of
the Alien H.R.Giger

H.R. Giger with
Director Ridley Scott

H.R. Giger painting
the Eggs

H. R. Giger completing
the Alien Suit

Ron Cobb's Sketch of the Box for
Jones The Cat

Ron Cobb's Sketch of the
Space Shuttle 'Narcissus'

Director Ridley Scott
with Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver testing
the Flamethrower